The Cat Lady ~ Oregon (june-august)
I winter in Guatemala @lake atitlan
* use the contact me tab to reach me *
Your pet needs a companion while you're away . . .

In addition to feeding and cleaning for your cat(s) daily while you're gone - I visit with them for at least 3 hrs a day, so they have a companion while waiting for you to come home.
Sometimes I stay overnight (house-sit - pre-arraranged) / no extra fee.
I charge a flat daily rate - not by the hour.
$20 USA
50Q at the lake (Guatemala)
If your pet requires more than one visit in a day, or medication -- talk with me. Together we will figure out a plan that works for your pet(s).
I accept sits in Oregon during the summer, and in Guatemala at Lake Atitlan from November thru June.
I began this enterprise, as a SERVICE for the cats - not as a business. My priority is caring for your pet, not 'making money.' Cats especially, don't like to be boarded, generally. They like to stay in their own environment, and usually prefer a bit of company. My own needs for my two cats, is what prompted me to begin this service. Over the years, I've expanded to small dogs, chickens and even a horse or three!
NEW !! The Cat Lady will also mind your CHICKENS and HORSES while you are away !!
Please use the CONTACT ME tab on this website.
I'm now on GOOGLE ! search for thecatladynewportoregon
and you should be able to find me - Add me to your circle!